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Toronto’s City Council has approved a significant change allowing townhouses and small apartments on most major streets. Previously limited to certain areas, the new policy permits up to six-storey buildings with a maximum of 60 units, doubling the initial staff recommendation of 30 units.

This decision, driven by Mayor Olivia Chow, aims to tackle the city’s severe housing crisis by creating more diverse and moderately dense housing options along transit routes and major corridors. The move is expected to open up over 31,000 lots for potential development, helping to distribute population growth more evenly across the city. The council has also tasked staff with exploring opportunities for building rent-controlled, affordable rentals, and ownership homes by non-profit providers on these lots.

This policy change aligns with Toronto’s broader housing goals, including the provincial target of building 285,000 new homes by 2030 and Mayor Chow’s plan for 65,000 affordable housing units within the same timeframe. The council has also committed to engaging with communities, particularly in Scarborough, to ensure the intensification is appropriate and responsive to local feedback.

Learn more about the Major Streets Study here.