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Surrey’s Anniedale-Tynehead neighbourhood is undergoing significant transformation, with plans for a multi-family housing development on over 150 acres near Hwy 1. Initially designated for a big box commercial area in 2012, the concept changed as developers acquired land and proposed residential developments. The new plan, endorsed by Surrey city council, could eventually house up to 30,000 people. However, areas closest to Hwy 1, east of 176th Street and north of Golden Ears Way, remain designated for light industrial use due to their strategic transportation access, leading to tensions between residential and industrial interests. Temporary truck parking permits have been approved to address regional shortages.

The city intends to collaborate with TransLink to establish connectivity between the Anniedale-Tynehead developments and transit systems, such as the new SkyTrain line that will run along the Fraser Highway corridor. While the city plans adjustments to green spaces and connectivity with transit systems, concerns persist about the neighborhood’s evolving character and its impact on existing residents. Complaints about issues like flooding and bright lights have been voiced, highlighting the challenges of transitioning neighborhoods. Despite these challenges, the development is seen as an opportunity to address housing needs, offering various housing options near Tynehead Regional Park.