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Delta’s council gave unanimous approval to the city’s new Official Community Plan (OCP) despite facing significant opposition during the public hearing. The plan, prompted by recent provincial legislation and a ministerial order mandating the addition of 3,607 new housing units over five years, aims to address the pressing need for housing in the region. Under the new OCP, greater density will be permitted in most residential areas, with three urban centers designated for potential high-rise developments of up to 24 storeys and certain locations along the Scott Road Corridor potentially allowing for buildings of up to 32 storeys, provided developers incorporate significant community contributions into their proposals.

Despite concerns raised by residents during the public hearing regarding potential negative impacts on the city’s character, infrastructure strain, and transportation issues, Delta’s council stressed the importance of accommodating projected population growth. Mayor Harvie highlighted the provincial government’s role in shaping the OCP framework, expressing frustration with what he perceived as micro-management from higher levels of government and calling for a focus on alternative housing solutions.