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Currently consisting of mansions, University Endowment Lands (UEL) near UBC will experience increased housing density due to new BC legislation. This includes laws allowing small-scale multi-unit housing and transit-oriented development, affecting areas close to UBC and designated transit hubs. Despite not being governed by municipal governments, the UEL will align with these policies. By June 2024, bylaws for small-scale housing will be updated, with a housing needs assessment and official community plan updates by 2025. Specific areas near transit stops may see up to six units per single-family lot, with no parking requirements. Other areas may allow up to four units.

Transit-oriented development near the UBC Bus Exchange could see residential buildings up to 10 stories. The UEL, covering 12 sq km, currently houses 3,200 people, with population estimates doubling by 2050. Future governance options for the UEL are being considered. Additionally, UBC plans densification, anticipating 24,000 more residents and 20% more academic space in 25 years, with a potential SkyTrain extension by the 2030s.