Official Community Plans (OCPs) and Neighbourhood Community Plans (NCPs) are documents that guide the long-term development and growth of cities and neighborhoods.

Official Community Plans (OCPs): OCPs are comprehensive plans that set out a vision for the entire municipality or region. They outline goals, policies, and strategies for land use, transportation, housing, environmental protection, and community amenities. OCPs are created through consultation with residents, businesses, and stakeholders and are adopted by municipal councils. They provide a framework to guide decision-making on zoning, development permits, and infrastructure investment over the long term.

Neighbourhood Community Plans (NCPs): NCPs are more detailed plans that focus on specific neighborhoods or areas within a municipality. They provide tailored guidance on land use, density, design guidelines, and infrastructure requirements to support the unique character and needs of each neighborhood. NCPs are typically developed in consultation with local residents and stakeholders and are adopted as part of the overall OCP. They help ensure that development within neighborhoods aligns with the broader goals and policies set out in the OCP while addressing the specific context and priorities of each area.