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Two years after the Broadway Plan’s densification strategy was approved, significant changes are being proposed, driven by new provincial transit-oriented development (TOD) legislation.

Key Changes:

  1. Elimination of Tower Limits: The current restriction on the number of towers per block will be removed within 400 meters of stations, promoting more residential and mixed-use developments.
  2. Height and Density Increases:
    • 0-200m Radius: Minimum 20 storeys and 5.0 FAR (floor area ratio).
    • 200-400m Radius: Minimum 12 storeys and 4.0 FAR.
    • 400-800m Radius: Minimum 8 storeys and 3.0 FAR.

Notable Areas Affected:

  • Uptown/Cambie North (Area C): Building heights can now reach up to 30 storeys for mixed-use residential projects, maintaining ground-level retail and workspaces.
  • Main Street and South Granville: Increased minimum heights and densities, with potential heights up to 20 storeys in some sections.
  • Granville Street: Allowances increase from 10 to 25 storeys, requiring workspace on lower levels.
  • Southern Broadway Plan Area: Height limits increase to up to 8 storeys and 3.0 FAR.

The Broadway Plan area has 150 projects in various stages, including 22,469 proposed homes and 9.3 million sq. ft. of non-residential space.

An online survey on these amendments is open until July 14, 2024. City Council’s approval is expected in November 2024. If approved, these changes could significantly boost the area’s population and job growth projections.